January 17, 2012

Winter Wonderland at the Berkeley

1)  How much would you have to be paid to sit outside in the middle of winter to watch a film?
2) Or would you actually pay for the privilege? 
3) If so, how much would you pay to watch a movie outside in the middle of winter that you've already seen before?
4) How much would you pay if it is Bridget Jones' Diary Two? 
5)  Are we back to question 1?
Well, the good people of The Berkeley Hotel are banking on the fact that you will answer yes to questions 2, 3, 4 and that your price will be £55 a head. Last Sunday The Boyfriend and I said yes, and visited their "Winter Wonderland". 

To be fair, I am missing some finer points of the deal. The "cinema" - has only four seats, and whilst it is outside you are left equipped with heaters, Moncler blankets, hot water bottles, hot chocolate and mince pies. You are also, on the roof of the hotel, surrounded by pine trees and distant enough from light pollution that stars are visible.
Luckily, I quite like Bridget Jones' Diary Two and The Boyfriend had never seen it.  Even better, we were the only two people watching the film - a blessing as quite frankly, I think it would have been awkward had there been more people there.
Despite the set up - which is quite cute, there are some issues. Firstly, at a combined cost £110, I want the Hot Chocolate provided to be pretty damn good. I want it to taste like pure molten chocolate. I do not want something that is on par with a Starbucks drink. Sadly, this was overly sugared and lacked any taste of real chocolate.  Secondly, it would be helpful if there was a screen, instead of just a brick wall as it really takes away from viewing quality. Thirdly, banged up old school speakers with static noise do not exactly improve the experience. Fourthly, when they say Roof I had visions of having a view of the whole city. Instead, we had a view of two brick walls and two sides of french doors. Which brings me on to point five, if this is being billed as a romantic evening with a degree of privacy, why not put a curtain over the french doors displaying the cinema and its patron to anyone who swims past in The Berkley's spa pool.
So it is frustrating, it is a great idea but I left with the impression that they have put in very little effort. They have realised that no one uses their outside spa area in winter and are trying to bring in some extra cash with almost no investment. I left thinking we had been ripped off, and I'm sure the staff who served us realised that too. 

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